Rising Cost of MN Rent Has 200,000+ Receiving Federal Rental Assistance

Over 200,000 Minnesotans receive federal rental assistance, according to data from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

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Over 200,000 Minnesotans receive federal rental assistance, according to data from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

The 200,600 citizens benefiting from rent assistance come from 100,000 households, reports the Center. The vast majority of these individuals, 72%, are seniors, children, or people with disabilities. 69% of those receiving assistance who are not disabled or elderly come from households where at least one person is employed.

The rising cost of rent in Minnesota may play a role in the state’s relatively high number of citizens receiving federal help. The median rent including utilities for an apartment in Minnesota was $970 in 2018, up nearly 15% since 2007. Meanwhile, median renter household income has fallen since 2017, according to Center data.

Minnesota currently ranks 17th for number of citizens receiving federal rental assistance, between Washington which has 202,100 and Maryland which has 199,990 people receiving aid.

10.4 million low income Americans from 5.2 million households nationwide afford living via federal assistance programs. Minnesotans represent just 2% of this overall total.

Kyle Hooten

Kyle Hooten is Managing Editor of Alpha News. His coverage of Minneapolis has been featured on television shows like Tucker Carlson Tonight and in print media outlets like the Wall Street Journal.