City of Orono Adopts Resolution To Recite the Pledge of Allegiance

The whole Orono City Council ended the meeting by reciting the pledge of allegiance unanimously.

Orono Mayor Denny Walsh

White the Democrat-controlled St. Louis Park City Council continues to defend their controversial decision to stop saying the pledge of allegiance, the city of Orono led by Mayor Denny Walsh is going the opposite direction.

Council Member Richard Crosby said he was concerned about the message that St. Louis Park City Council was sending by dropping the pledge of allegiance. Orono Mayor Denny Walsh who grew up in St. Louis Park spoke about how unfortunate it was that St. Louis Park City Council was implying that the American Flag was offensive.

Walsh was contacted by constituents about this issue and said he hopes Orono passing this resolution will be a message to the Democrat-controlled St. Louis Park that they are making a bad and unnecessary decision by banning the tradition of citizens from reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before meetings.

The motion passed unanimously and after Walsh said that as long as he is on the city council, he will recite the Pledge of Allegiance. The whole Orono City Council ended the meeting by reciting the pledge of allegiance unanimously.


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