Child Care Vote Results: Providers will not be forced to Unionize

This morning the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services released the results of the vote on whether to unionize at-home childcare providers. By a margin of 622 vote, the measure failed and providers will not be forced into unionization. 392 providers voted for unionization, while 1,014 voted against unionization, out of the 2,348 providers eligible to cast ballots.

The votes were counted by the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services while the public was welcome to observe to ensure transparency. Providers like outspoken unionization critic Hollee Saville were in attendance.

In response to today’s vote results, Saville conveyed her happiness with the vote, asserting “I’m just thrilled that, despite the deck being stacked against us, we were able to soundly defeat the union in this election. I’m so proud of our profession, especially the family child care providers and our supporters who have helped educate and empower our fellow providers and the public. It’s a beautiful day to celebrate and look forward to celebrating the final defeat of the scheme to unionize our independent small businesses.”

In a piece released yesterday, Alpha News reported that on the last day to mail in ballots the state political power brokers in favor of unionization were facing staunch opposition.  With consequences of unionization being far reaching, legal action has been filed. The future of this legal action given today’s results is unknown.

Given the strength the group organizing for unionization: American Federation of County, State, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), as well as Minnesota DFL lawmakers holding a majority in the senate as well as the governor’s mansion, the fight will likely go on. One thing is for certain, anti-union providers won a long fought fight today.

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