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Monthly Archives: August 2015

Alpha News Update: Body Cams, Presidents, and Unsavory Tweets

Alpha News Update: Body Cams, Presidents, and Unsavory Tweets

What will new EPA mandate mean for Minnesota?

Governor Mark Dayton has called for completely eliminating coal from energy production in Minnesota and now the EPA has mandated the state increase it's reliance on renewable energy sources. Can the state keep up?

Alpha News Report: Police Body Cameras

(Maplewood, MN) Some officers have an extra set of eyes on them as multiple cities in Minnesota are implementing trial runs of police body cameras....

GOP Primary Process, Does Minnesota Matter?

Ten candidates for President sparred in last Thursday's GOP debate. Minnesota Republicans were polled ahead of the evening to see who they were supporting. Take a closer look at who elected leaders are supporting, and whether Minnesota can make an impact in the primary process. Plus, view the result of our latest Facebook poll where we asked "Who won the debate?"

Minnesota’s Pension Problem

A problem with Minnesota's retirement plan is growing that could leave the next generation of Minnesotans with a financial crisis.

How Planned Parenthood plays in Minnesota political races

The state's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, is a heavy hitter in Minnesota politics. In 2014, they spent nearly $200,000 and helped ten Democrats in Minnesota House races.

Alpha News Update: Waterway Buffers in MN

Alpha News follows up on our previous story regarding waterway buffers in Minnesota - who is affected?

Governor Dayton inserts gum back into any new mining projects

Governor Dayton announced an Executive order yesterday that essentially reinstates the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Citizens' Board, now called the "Governor's Committee to Advise the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency." The move raises questions about the fate of the $650 million Polymet mining project which would turn the largest untapped copper-nickel deposit in the world into an economic boon to Minnesota's depressed Iron Range region.

Minnesota’s Citizen Legislature? 1/3 of Minnesota house members have no outside job

Alpha News once again perused candidate profiles and websites and determined that nearly 1/3 of the 133 current House members don't hold an outside job. One of the most interesting findings is that the "F" in DFL has no representation in the Minnesota House from Democrats, while nearly 10% of the GOP's delegation list farming or raising livestock as an occupation.

Alpha News Report: MN Vikings Stadium

Alpha News asks Minnesotans their thoughts on the $1 billion Vikings Stadium and whether or not they think their tax dollars are being looked...